Hospitals Essen Mitte
Latest scientific standards, highest medical and nursing level: On this basis, the KEM | Hospitals Essen Mitte with its three Essen locations, the Evang. Huyssens-Stiftung in Essen-Huttrop, the Knappschafts-Krankenhaus in Essen-Steele and the Evang. Krankenhaus Essen- Werden with its 22 departments, about 1,000 beds and about 2,500 employees care for their patients.
The KEM offer a wide range of services that ensure targeted, optimal and holistic diagnosis and treatment. Humane and professionally competent care and treatment oriented to the needs of the patients is a matter of course for the Essen-Mitte Clinics. We face up to the challenges of modern medicine and care and are committed to incorporating the latest findings from medicine, nursing science, ethics, sociology, education and psychology into our professional activities. The Hospitals Essen Mitte are an academic teaching hospital of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Since October 1996, the Evangelical Huyssens Foundation in the Huttrop district of Essen has been a member of the international and German network of health-promoting hospitals of the WHO.
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Hotel for hospital visitors
The Hotel an der Gruga in Rüttenscheid is ideally suited for visitors who want to be close to their relatives at the Hospitals Essen Mitte, as they only need about 10 minutes by car.