Hotel Near Hospital Essen

The Hotel An der Gruga is located in the direct vicinity of many clinics in Essen. The following clinics are located in the immediate vicinity and surroundings:

The University Hospital, the Alfried Krupp Hospital, the West German Heart Center, the West German Tumor Center and the Essen Mitte Clinics.

Hotel for hospital visitors

You are visiting a family member, friend or acquaintance in one of the clinics in Essen? No problem at all. Stay at the Hotel An der Gruga in Essen and we will do our best to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Distract yourself as much as possible at our hotel so that you can draw a lot of energy for your loved ones.

Rooms for your stay

Enjoy your stay in our 39 modern and tastefully furnished rooms. We offer you four categories: Comfort Room, Business Room, Business Plus Room and Business Premium Room. So you are perfectly equipped and ready for a restful sleep after a long day at the fair.

You will certainly spend a pleasant night here in the Hotel An der Gruga at the fair in Essen